Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunny Glen Sojourn - Jan 2013

 Our  first of two weeks of the Sojourn here in San Benito was made a lot more fun because a group from the AFC - Aggies For Christ - were also here and we worked as one team.  They are a super bunch of young people.

As you can see, they are considerably more supple than us Sojourners, and go 'above and beyond' to get the job done!  I thought I was the only one to really care that the top of the appliances and cabinets were clean, this young lady obviously had some good home training.

When the Sojourner team was thinned by bad weather and illness John and Karen joined us and helped a bunch.  The first week of this Sojourn had the worst weather the Valley was going to experience all winter!

Here we are at one of our devotionals with the Sunny Glen staff.  Ray Crowder (front left) is the new Director and will be a real asset to the home. 

Maybe the Lord knew (I sure didn't) when we signed up for this as Co-Leader that our familiarity with the area and staff would be so useful - but when our Team Leader had health issues and couldn't make it, I got a "battlefield promotion".  Still, the work was able to go right on, and was successful. 

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